Jenns Amazing Blurbages

A rather frightening display of post adolescent teen angst. Soon to be out of the teens for good I find myself psychologically disturbed, so I might as well talk about it. Enjoy! :D

Friday, July 29, 2005

Once upon a time

Once upon a time....
My life made sense....
I was able to multi task with school, work, boyrfriend, family, pets, friends, sports, blah blah blah blah etc.
Now I can barely manage to work and retain a relationship with the most important person in my life, my Petey.
I get headaches doing math equations and am frustrated easily.
I don't get along with my friends the way I used to, they don't live the life I do and find the concept of "real bills" hard to understand... don't get me wrong, I love them all dearly but I wish one of them would really move out on their own so they could really experience it. Mel's the only one who's done it and understands but of course we're too busy to spend more time together.
My work is like a high school. The drama here is better then the Young and the Restless... where the gossip flows freely and you never know whos out for blood or who honestly wants to be your friend.
My cats annoy me most days, again I love them too but they drive me up the wall with all the crazy things they pull and when I need them the most they want nothing to do with me, those are the days I wish for an obedient dog and I forget the reason I got them in the first place, because I love their feisty spirit.
I used to play soccer, softball, Volleyball... I was a competitive swimmer... I even won a few competitions back in the day...
But now I'm lazy, overweight... Pete looks great and I am so proud of the work he is doing to get himself healthy... but it's a struggle for me to join him at the gym, even though it makes me feel better after the fact.
So.... resolution to work out more, eat better, go back to school, get a better job, join a sports team, pay more loving attention to my cats, love love love my boyfriend with all my heart, spend more time with the family and try to have a BLOODY LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D


With Love,



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