Jenns Amazing Blurbages

A rather frightening display of post adolescent teen angst. Soon to be out of the teens for good I find myself psychologically disturbed, so I might as well talk about it. Enjoy! :D

Saturday, July 30, 2005

A big fuck you to the girls

To all of my so-called girlfriends out there, FUCK YOU.
I'm not planning any fucking shit for anyone to fucking get together any more
First of all, Melinda... I don't care if you're broke. It's a fucking girls night in, not a night on the
town, it doesn't cost you shit.
Louise, grow the fuck up and go somewhere without Melinda, don't treat me like I'm a fucking leper, just for wanting to hang out with you.
Jacki I understand that you have other things going on and work and shit... but I called you up and told you how upset I was that Melinda and Louise were ditching and I WASN'T tired, I was sad... and I'm still sad because more then anything I need to keep close contact with my friends.
I call everyone, I plan everything and I get bitched at for not calling somebody and keeping in touch... I don't remember my phone ringing...
Heidi is the only one that said she could come... and she didn't even find out about it until today, So what the fuck... News flash... Heidi just had a 9 hour day working with the police AND she's also got to be at work for 7am tommorrow, but she still wants to come and get shit faced with her girlfriends... But I guess I don't have any do I?
Did it ever occur to any of you that I might be a little lonely... my life is work and Pete.
Yes I love Pete and my cats very much but it feels like that is all I have.
My sister is moving to Alberta, in fact she's already there, and I'm so fucking detached from her... I haven't tried to have a real relationship with her since I moved away so we don't have that bond enough for me to tell her how much I love her and will miss her. My mom loves me but I don't have the relationship with her that Katt does... when I moved out I don't even think she cared... and with Katt leaving she spends hours sobbing over it every day.
My dad's too busy to call me and he wants to buy me a bike to compensate for the months of no contact whatsoever and the awkward hugs where I feel like he's to disgusted with me to actually hold onto me... some days I desperately just want to hug my dad for an hour and have him tell me he loves me or have my mom sit and stroke my hair and talk to me like she talks to Katt.
Well now I'm just too depressed to even bother with anyone, so I'm going to bed and hopefully I will feel better about all of this in the morning,
Good night


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