Jenns Amazing Blurbages

A rather frightening display of post adolescent teen angst. Soon to be out of the teens for good I find myself psychologically disturbed, so I might as well talk about it. Enjoy! :D

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

A shiny new bicycle!

Woohoo Daddy bought me a new bike...
I'm walking it out of the store with my mom and dad yesterday
and this lady who was putting grocery bags into her car
looks up and says, "Ooooh you're going to make somebody very happy"
And then I raised my hand and said "yeah me."
I felt like I was 12... not to mention when I was in the store and dad told me to sit on the bike and ride it a few feet... well I did and then he yelled at me to stop before I hit someone.
Big ol' "12" sign right there...
It really is a nice bicycle, I rode it to work today and all was well and good until the handlebars started to fall apart and the seat started to bend all of the way back... might have helped if daddy had checked the screws yesterday... what do I know... as far as I knew it was safe to ride... so after work today I had to call my daddy to come pick me and my bicycle up because I couldn't ride it home.... SMOOTH Jenn, reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeal smooth.
So now I have to go and suck up to my landlord and see if he can give me a hand and lend me some tools so I can make pete fix it... hehehe, what are boys for if not to flex there muscles in fixing something
Better go see Len with the rent hmm? Yeah that might be a good idea... speaking of rent... I'm broke, thank god I get paid friday or we'd be screwed.
So yeah... Jacki and me and Pete are going to the beach of sunday, rtfo! (right the fuck on!)
Saturday I am going to a house party for Trandis and Graham, should be a good time.
Hopefully all goes well and I get to start nights next week.
K bye


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