Jenns Amazing Blurbages

A rather frightening display of post adolescent teen angst. Soon to be out of the teens for good I find myself psychologically disturbed, so I might as well talk about it. Enjoy! :D

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Creature of the night

Well night shift is underway and you know what? I LOVE IT!
It's fabulous... truly.
I enjoy the late night food runs and the midnight movies, it's great.
We're a family and we're so seperate from all of the other staff at
Archway it's incredible.

Carrie dropped this amazing news into my lap as well, just yesterday.
The actual reason I was hired onto overnights is because they are
grooming me to take over Carries position... Carrie thinks she is
pregnant and when she has her baby, guess who will be taking over. MOI!
I'm overwhelmed... excited - ecstatic is more like it because there
are so many people that have such tremendous faith in me and it's
incredible to experience.

Just this morning, Carrie and I are leaving work,
Karen Klientes - the account manager for Betty Crocker was KISSING MY ASS (ladies and gentleman) telling me that anytime I wanted I could come to days, whatever schedule I want.
I was like thanks but no thanks... working with Karen is a headache, not to mention
what working UNDER her would be like.... no thanks!
But "Mahalo for the ego boost!"

Plus Carrie has been getting these threatening (hardy har) e-mails from other
group leads who are pissed that Carrie stole me away onto nights... it makes
me feel great to be wanted.

Anyhow, thats all thats new on the work front, keeping my fingers crossed for Carrie
because she will make such a great mother, she is such a beautiful person...
and none of you can accuse me of sucking up to her, she doesn't even know about this
blog. LOL

Pete has been re-evaluating what he wants to do with his career lately and I'm trying to support him the best I can. He just doesn't want to be in security anymore, which is cool. I just want him to be happy.

Other news on the home front, Pete and I are going on a trip to Kitchner Ontario at the beggining of September, I will finally be able to meet some of his extended family, like his grandparents and hopefully his dad if he's still around. It seems weird to me not to have your family close to you... My parents live 30 minutes away and some days I think it's way too far.

Katt's gone to Lethbridge now until Christmas, and I'm glad that she is happy about it, but sad that she felt she had to leave her home and family to get her independence and education. I know deep down she will really miss it here but I know she is too brave to admit it.

Mom and Dad, despite what they tell me are going through that empty nest phase... part of me wants to move back home and fill the void but I know that would not solve anything... growing up and moving on is a part of life and they knew we would both get to this stage sooner or later... I guess they just thought it would be later then this.

So it's 11:42 am and I am still no more tired then I was when I sat down at this key board but I realize I have to sleep today if I plan on functioning at work later this evening... So I bid you all adieu... and for gods sake leave comments this time, I'm getting really bored with not knowing who is reading this crap I'm writing.

Love, Jenn


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