Jenns Amazing Blurbages

A rather frightening display of post adolescent teen angst. Soon to be out of the teens for good I find myself psychologically disturbed, so I might as well talk about it. Enjoy! :D

Friday, February 03, 2006

Wish me luck

I have pushed away all my friends... my boyfriend has probably had it up to here with my constant questions... my neediness...
It's so hard to change something that you've become so used to.
I pushed away my friends in favour of being with Pete... because I guess I was afraid if I left him to his own devices, that he would cheat on me.
What a ridiculous thought.
Imagine acctually trusting someone, believing them when they say I love you and still managing to have your own life.
I shouldn't suffocate Pete thinking it will keep him with me.
He's with me because he loves me, I just have to remember that.
I have to remember that exercise is important.
Friends are important.
I am not as important as I think I am.
My feelings are most often over rated and psycho in nature.
And I shouldn't let my anger over rule me and make me a nervous wreck.
I'm going to follow in my mothers foot steps - start a walking club of me myself and I
and whoever wants to join me is welcome.
I'm going to go back to therapy.
Talk out my issues and try to be a better person.
And I'm going to really go to school.
I'm on the war path for a newer, better me.
Sorry for those I have hurt in the past.
I hope with my new goals I can right my wrongs
and feel better about who I am as a person.

Wish me luck...


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