Loves nightmare - a short story

A little back tracking... a few things I wrote for my open diary a while ago that I thought I would share here... I wonder who this story is Enjoy
Love's Nightmare - A short story
A scream is heard through the quiet darkness and he searches for her. He struggles to find illumination but it is always just out of his reach. He can’t get to her.The realization hits him like a knife to the chest.Sitting upright in bed he glances at the clock; 10:30 pm and already suffering nightmares, he really must be sick.
A cold sweat had formed on his brow and he feels the panic burrowing into his brain.Running his hand through his hair, His furious mind chants a mantra. “ She’s fine, go back to bed.”He curses himself for being so superstitious.Although he was sure he had very strong feelings for Jamie, the nagging truth was that he wasn’t sure if he truly loved her or if this surge of emotion was just his longing to fill a void that had been in his heart for so many years, prior to her rather surreal entrance to his life.
She was charming, yet sarcastic, witty but also catty, funny yet nevertheless romantic all at the same time.
Haunted by failures in previous relationships his insecurities loomed over him like a storm cloud in a cartoon episode, waiting to send out a blast of lighting if the slightest bit of happiness should show through his tough exterior.
Patricks superstitious mind got the best of him and he dialed her number, hoping he wouldn’t be waking her.
Jamie lie awake in her bed, staring idly ahead of her, thinking about what else? Patrick.
The Television played a romantic comedy but she was oblivious, her mind elsewhere.She loved love. It sometimes made her feel as if she was floating on air, like nothing in the world could bring her down.However, being a pessimist by nature these feelings were few and far between. Loving him was different somehow. He was the undying warrior, strong and brave ready to draw his shield and protect her at the drop of a hat yet whom she felt the nagging urge to take care of, for now… perhaps always and it confused her.
The phone rang, jolting her back into the present and she reached over to answer it. The voice on the other end both overjoyed her, yet worried her at the same time. He should be sleeping, this sick man whom she had attempted to nurse back to health all day long was supposed to be comatose with the amount of medication he had taken.
“Hey Babe” he breathed into the phone. “Hey.” She replied, “What’s going on?”
“Are you ok?” Patrick asked, much to her surprise.
“Yes, I’m fine, why?” she sighed, unable to contain it she knew she should be sleeping too as she was feeling a little under the weather herself.
“I had a nightmare.” He said. “I dreamed you were hurt and I couldn’t get to you.”
“Oh, well no I’m fine, just have an upset stomach that’s all.” She mused as a smile crossed her face.
It was moments like these that she felt his love like a warm hug on a cold and lonely day. It was there, waiting in the wings, to carry her away when she felt like there was nowhere to turn.“Good.” He replied with a long suppressed release of oxygen from his lungs,“I was worried, that’s all.”
There it was, that feeling, she was floating on air again. He loved her and no one could change it, not at this moment. Everything was where it should be and time was standing still.She took a breath of air with a gasp and she feared he might hear the ecstatic amusement in her voice so she covered it with a sleepy yawn.
“I love you” He said,
“I love you… goodnight.” She replied.
She hung up the phone and looked around her room. She searched for a means of capturing this moment so that it could never slip out of her fingers being so precious, falling asleep might abolish it.
She stopped and sighed.
“That’s right… I AM a writer.”
The End.
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