Jenns Amazing Blurbages

A rather frightening display of post adolescent teen angst. Soon to be out of the teens for good I find myself psychologically disturbed, so I might as well talk about it. Enjoy! :D

Thursday, September 15, 2005

A song for the 90's generation

Ever notice how old tv theme songs can instantly bring you back to your childhood?
At work last night, Carrie, Paola and I were singing old camp songs and old tv theme songs and Carrie remembered the Full House theme song. I remember that I used to rush home from school so I could watch that show. It was great! I grew up with Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen, pretty literally. I was so disappointed when they took it off television.
Anyways the song took me back to being 10 years old, sitting thisclose to the tv, watching the kid appropriate ideal family setting. I even liked Gibby... cuz I'm weird.
I wondered if all families were like them and if it was just mine that was weird.
Those were simple days. I wish I could have Full House back.
Anyways that's all I really wanted to say, just wanted to leave my little blurt out there to my masses of readers. LOL
I keep getting these spam comments on my blog, I f***ing hate that!
So if you see comments that were deleted by me, it's because they were from someone ADVERTISING ON MY BLOG!!! GRRRRRRRRRRR

Pay day tommorrow and I don't have to work! WOOT!!!!!

More soon guys!




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