my cure for cancer
Wow! So sorry I have taken so long to update!
It's been a busy couple of weeks and I have been physically exhausted to the point that I just don't feel like writing... So about the trip to the cabin with Jacki and Josh? GOOD TIMES! We really had a blast, I really can't go into detail about everything because that would take to long and bore people but if you want to read it, check out Jackis blog, I'm putting a link to it after this post.
I finally got Pete out to the cabin for a couple of days and I am so thrilled that he came. Even if there was a couple of times where I was a cranky bear, I was so glad that he was there.
We got out there Saturday morning, lazed around, had lunch, went to the docks and for a walk.
We went into town for supplies, back to the cabin for cards and dinner. I taught Pete to play canasta so he can't make fun of me for liking it, because he does now too!
Bwahahaha Oh yeah I learned how to do that shuffle thing where you shuffle them forward and then hold them and they shuffle back into your hand on their own! Tres cool. I was so proud of myself... as Pete called it "My cure for cancer" <--- I just realized this is only funny to Pete and I because no one knows the story. Ok, so I figured out how to do this shuffle thing and I was ecstatic! I said to Pete "Aren't you proud of me???" with this goofy ass look on my face. He said "Honey, people are proud when you win the nobel peace prize or discover a cure for cancer, End world hunger... You're talking about cards?" I said "Hey, this could be my cure for cancer, you don't know." And then we both burst out laughing. So next time I see you, ask me about my cure for cancer. LMFAO
On Sunday we went Mini golfing and I won YET AGAIN... whooped him (by 2 points cough*)
And then Pete helped my dad re-shingle the garage roof. Talk about sexy... and of course yeah, sweet and helpful to my dad and all that garbage. But wow, all that sweaty man labour... yeah, definitely a turn on, flexing his muscles like he's hot shit... he so is.
He doesn't think he's good looking and I always go... HELLOOOOOOOOOOOOOO?!
He's retarded, I would like him if he was just as flabby as me, and lets face it, I got quite a bit o' flab. He's my man hunk. I love him so much.
Of course I couldn't jump his bones at the cottage, holy crap I wanted to though... then last night we're home and he starts kissing my neck and getting me all reved up and my stomach felt like it was being squeezed from the inside... I COULDN'T HAVE SEX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I wanted to cry. But there is always today... hehehe and tommorrow and the next day.
Oh yeah anyways moving on... got a little distracted there.
On Monday - Dads friend Simon from swimming came out with his wife Mila and Simon and the boys went fishing. That left us wives at the cottage and it became our job to entertain Mila (who clearly did not want to be there) She was very nice and polite. We took her mini golfing in town, where she had a good time for the most part but she was disappointed that the town had nothing big for her to do, no more entertainment... apparently she doesn't like nature (or boats lmao) so when we went back to the cabin she asked to watch a movie... Oh well. I escaped to the dock for a bit and when the boys came back we had dinner and then dad took Pete and I for a boat ride again, I was happy, having gone for a boat ride one last time before the end of the season. No more trips out to the lake again this year.
Too bad.
Anyways, today marks the end of my 4 day work holiday, back to the grind tonight at 11 pm.
What a wonderful vacation. I found my cure for cancer! Wait till I show the girls at work!
Ta Ta for now
It's been a busy couple of weeks and I have been physically exhausted to the point that I just don't feel like writing... So about the trip to the cabin with Jacki and Josh? GOOD TIMES! We really had a blast, I really can't go into detail about everything because that would take to long and bore people but if you want to read it, check out Jackis blog, I'm putting a link to it after this post.
I finally got Pete out to the cabin for a couple of days and I am so thrilled that he came. Even if there was a couple of times where I was a cranky bear, I was so glad that he was there.
We got out there Saturday morning, lazed around, had lunch, went to the docks and for a walk.
We went into town for supplies, back to the cabin for cards and dinner. I taught Pete to play canasta so he can't make fun of me for liking it, because he does now too!
Bwahahaha Oh yeah I learned how to do that shuffle thing where you shuffle them forward and then hold them and they shuffle back into your hand on their own! Tres cool. I was so proud of myself... as Pete called it "My cure for cancer" <--- I just realized this is only funny to Pete and I because no one knows the story. Ok, so I figured out how to do this shuffle thing and I was ecstatic! I said to Pete "Aren't you proud of me???" with this goofy ass look on my face. He said "Honey, people are proud when you win the nobel peace prize or discover a cure for cancer, End world hunger... You're talking about cards?" I said "Hey, this could be my cure for cancer, you don't know." And then we both burst out laughing. So next time I see you, ask me about my cure for cancer. LMFAO
On Sunday we went Mini golfing and I won YET AGAIN... whooped him (by 2 points cough*)
And then Pete helped my dad re-shingle the garage roof. Talk about sexy... and of course yeah, sweet and helpful to my dad and all that garbage. But wow, all that sweaty man labour... yeah, definitely a turn on, flexing his muscles like he's hot shit... he so is.
He doesn't think he's good looking and I always go... HELLOOOOOOOOOOOOOO?!
He's retarded, I would like him if he was just as flabby as me, and lets face it, I got quite a bit o' flab. He's my man hunk. I love him so much.
Of course I couldn't jump his bones at the cottage, holy crap I wanted to though... then last night we're home and he starts kissing my neck and getting me all reved up and my stomach felt like it was being squeezed from the inside... I COULDN'T HAVE SEX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I wanted to cry. But there is always today... hehehe and tommorrow and the next day.
Oh yeah anyways moving on... got a little distracted there.
On Monday - Dads friend Simon from swimming came out with his wife Mila and Simon and the boys went fishing. That left us wives at the cottage and it became our job to entertain Mila (who clearly did not want to be there) She was very nice and polite. We took her mini golfing in town, where she had a good time for the most part but she was disappointed that the town had nothing big for her to do, no more entertainment... apparently she doesn't like nature (or boats lmao) so when we went back to the cabin she asked to watch a movie... Oh well. I escaped to the dock for a bit and when the boys came back we had dinner and then dad took Pete and I for a boat ride again, I was happy, having gone for a boat ride one last time before the end of the season. No more trips out to the lake again this year.
Too bad.
Anyways, today marks the end of my 4 day work holiday, back to the grind tonight at 11 pm.
What a wonderful vacation. I found my cure for cancer! Wait till I show the girls at work!
Ta Ta for now
At September 06, 2005 5:10 AM,
Jenn said…
Jackis blog, check it out
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