Jenns Amazing Blurbages

A rather frightening display of post adolescent teen angst. Soon to be out of the teens for good I find myself psychologically disturbed, so I might as well talk about it. Enjoy! :D

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Bus ride from hell

I fainted on the bus ride home today, it's scary to all of a sudden come to and have 10 faces crowded around you, staring...trying to figure out what is wrong with you.
The faces became blurs and I felt vomit rising in my throat and I had to get off the bus.
I remember I was sort of half asleep, half awake on the bus. I felt very flushed, like my sweater was choking me, my stomach was tight and I was having a hard time breathing, I stood up at my stop and felt a whoosh come over me and thats all I remember until being helped off the bus by the faces...
Someone asked me if I needed an ambulance but I just needed to sleep. A nice gentleman helped me to my house and asked if I was sure I would be ok. They found my dads number on my cell phone and called him... I told him I was ok but before long I was up the stairs and asleep... I felt like I was drowning. And I was scared.
And then Pete was here and I was babbling incoherently.... and more sleep.
My day was pretty normal, I went to Harrys in the morning, bought garlic bread to go with the dinner I was making for Pete and some cat food... met Jacki at Northgate for a movie, and after I just became ill... I was dizzy when I got on the bus but I thought I was ok... I think I need some kind of meds.


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