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My thoughts on Love
When you write it's important to have a good pen, it provides a flow for the material you dispell when it clicks just the right with your style.
The same thing can be said about Love.
When you feel overwhelmingly strong about someone you need to have an open heart that will connect you just the right way with that other person.
But, it's when what you're writing doesn't make sense anymore that you have to go back and read it back to yourself to see what you have missed.
Love can bring forth all kinds of feelings. Sometimes it spews out jealousy, anger, loneliness. Other times, ecstatic bliss, animal urges and a sense of living in the moment.
On some occasions people tend to place themselves in relationships where they feel safe. Not neccessarily in love, just safe.
Knowing that as long as the charade is kept up, they won't have to face being alone.
But who can call that a life?If the truth us supposed to "set us free" then why do we lie to ourselves to prevent a failure that will undoubtedly come?
Shouldn't love quench your thirst for a closeness that seems almost impossible?
Love SHOULD be un-predictable.
You NEED to feel sad sometimes.
People are only human, mistakes are often made. Sometimes, repetitively before we truly learn from them.
Anger, jealousy, hurt... you can't be so enamoured with someone that you're oblivious to these emotions.
"No man is worth your tears the one who is won't make you cry."- BULLSHIT!
I'd like to meet the woman who was quoted saying this so I could tell her...
Tears are HEALTHY!
It's an escape hatch for all of the things that are keeping you uptight in life and they help you to move on!
Love is all about taking risks. Having so much to lose is scary, yet invigorating at the same time.
To know that you've come so far and in one false move you can send it spiraling out of control, is compelling.
It keeps you on your toes.
Testing you.
You don't have to be beautiful, thin or of a certain age to love. It's a gift that's anyone with an open heart can experience.
And the wonderful part is you can love more then once!
You can give your heart to someone, have it smashed into a million pieces and still be able to repair it and use it again.
Somewhere along the way someone will screw up.
Promises will be broken.
Someone will say the wrong thing, do the wrong thing or take someone else for granted.
Forgetting that you have to love in order to BE LOVED.
Some days it takes a smile and a nod, a shove in the right direction, (even if that shove takes you away from the person for a while) or a hand reaching out to help.
No matter what it is, if it's important to the one you love, it SHOULD be important to you.
I've learned that through MY love life from a very wise man.
I know I've found my very best friend, my constant companion, my joy in life, my laughter, my tears, my overwhelming ability to love and be loved in return in him.
A man who isn't always deserving of it.
He'll make me laugh, he'll make me cry.
I'll worry, I'll whine and complain, nag and tease, moan and groan.
But smile.
Because I know that at the end of the day, he's right there loving me... no matter if I'm cranky or just plain silly.
I can't imagine feeling otherwise.
But that's love.
Like a revolving door... it pulls you in really fast and then before you know it, smacks you out the door with a tap on the ass as you walk away.
Get caught in the whirlwhind.
You'll enjoy it.
I promise.
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