Just my oppinion on matters of the heart

Who said it was ok for someone to go from bad to worse? When a relationship ends and both people who leave that relationship get another significant other, it is supposed to be for the better right? One person isn't supposed to meet their soulmate and the other some immature, spread her legs for a quarter, town floozy.
I felt happy for Andrew when he told me he had a girlfriend. Part of me thought I would always be his number one. And I always will be in a way. Not that I thought he'd be celibate for life or anything... I guess I just thought that the reason he took so long finding someone to be with was because he was picking the right girl. You know, someone who could treat him better then I could.
Turns out, I was talking to his best friend James this evening that this girl isn't just a floozy, she's a complete bitch. I use his words when I say this... "She's an immature, 14 year old girl on her period for the first time kind of bitchy... always. "
She is constantly hitting him, in an angry fashion and she talks down to him, like he's her dog. Worst of all this girl turned 18 this year.
James tells me that he thinks things are purely physical with their relationship and that Andrew seems happy but it's a destructive relationship for him.
It makes me sad. It also makes me want to beat the shit out of the hussy. Not because I'm jealous of her, but because Andrew deserves better then that.
He really is a great guy, I just wasn't his girl.
I'm Petes girl.
So James sent me a picture of them together and she looks like someone who would have that whole Spanish "My man ain't cho babies daddee." kinda attitude going on. GROSS.
She has these huge Angelina Jolie lips and a very tiny frame. I have to admit, she's kinda pretty, but she's got no boobs... HA!
So, anyways. That is my rant... WHY ARE MEN SO DUMB!?
Andrew find your f***ing soulmate and stop wasting your time with someone like her.
Of course, andrew doesn't read this blog, and I don't know her first hand. But I think I would rather just dislike her from afar.
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