Thinly Veiled Bitchery
*Names have been changed for... well.... obvious reasons.*
There are some people in this world who will always presume, I'm sorry ASSume that their place on the ladder of life is thousands of rungs above... you.
They sit on their high rung, and look down on you... laughing, mocking you to others they view as worthy companions who are at their same stature.
You sit, mystified by the way these people make you feel and wonder when you will get the chance to prove them wrong and to kick their fat asses off of that rung, and take their fucking place.
Lets call her "Barb" *shudder*- she is this awful, horrible, wench of a woman I work with. She drives me to the very edge of my sanity, to put it politely.
She is the most self absorbed, condescending, unsincere, stuck up, rude, annoying, flat headed, dull witted, rat faced, cross eyed BITCH, that I have ever known.
She is a group lead at my work. Now, our positions are different and she has authority whereas I am a representative.
But... I am just as much her equal if not twice the person she is.
She is always there when I show up at work or an hour before I leave.
And it doesn't matter who it is on my team that shows up, she decides that because we sit in HER row (yeah, hers... bossy skank) we have to put up with her slut stories from the night before. Or listen to her complain about her latest yeast infection or something else of a similar nature.
Not a day goes by when she's not telling us how "Donald" is setting her up with another one of his guy friends who is supposedly utterly infatuated with the hussy.
I don't know if "Donald" likes seeing all of his closest friends burn their underwear and vow celibacy for life after an encounter with the elusive "Barb" or if he's just not that smart.
God knows I love "Donald", but somedays I want to give his head a shake.
"Barb" is a complete and total HYPOCRITE.
She'll write someone up for wearing casual shoes on a business attired day (under their desk mind you... not around the office) and then she'll show up to work wearing a belly shirt, ripped black capris pants and black and pink pumps.
Ohhhhhhhhhhh and for the love of god..... her little closed door meetings that she has to have with Carrie because god forbid the lowly reps hear of such a conversation.
Carrie has acctually taken to saying,"whatever you need to tell me, you can tell me in front of my reps, we don't hide anything."
Some days I just f***ing love Carrie... when she shows she has a spine and sticks up for us.
"Barb" talks to me like I don't understand my job. She explains things to me in simple little words and then says "ok?" like I'm a fucking 4 year old.
What I wouldn't give to rip that nasty piece of horseshoe metal out of her disgusting nostrils and bang her head against a large metal object, for example a moving car.
To say that "Barb" rubs me the wrong way is an understatement.
I literally can not stand her.
Today she came in to work at 2am to teach us on the night staff about the new Blue Sky methods that have been adapted by the client.
She then told us that this was when her shift started so she would be with us for the rest of the night. First of all she of course, got off topic to talk about her latest conquest... I got her right back on track with an "OK. That's enough of that, what are these new methods?"
Carrie, who joined me in the training, kept gesturing at me to keep calm, putting her hand on my leg to prevent an outburst because every time she did a bitchy, arrogant thing... I snapped at her, in a professional no nonsense way.
(Did I mention we all on the night shift think shes a needy, attention-greedy bitch?- just an fyi)
Then she dragged on every point for 10 minutes a piece, with 25 points to discuss, there was no f***ing way I was letting her do that. It should have been 15 minutes of training and it took us an hour and a half. The last 20 minutes of the training was spent with "Barb" trying to force me to role play with her on an account I have been doing for 9 months, which I flatly refused.
I told her I would not be doing it because it was not required of me. She countered back that it WAS required. I told her that she could tape every one of my calls, because EVERY ONE of them is a conversion (meaning I make the deal for our company)
Carrie showed her my quality scores and "Barb" shut right up.
I think I might have gained a few rungs on her totem pole today, because I refused to let her out-BITCH me.
Score one for the freedom fighters.
When I'm a group lead, things will be different. I will have respect and GIVE respect to everyone and perhaps bump "Barb" down a notch or two.
Thanks for the vent, none of you were probably able to follow that but I actually feel a lot better!
There are some people in this world who will always presume, I'm sorry ASSume that their place on the ladder of life is thousands of rungs above... you.
They sit on their high rung, and look down on you... laughing, mocking you to others they view as worthy companions who are at their same stature.
You sit, mystified by the way these people make you feel and wonder when you will get the chance to prove them wrong and to kick their fat asses off of that rung, and take their fucking place.
Lets call her "Barb" *shudder*- she is this awful, horrible, wench of a woman I work with. She drives me to the very edge of my sanity, to put it politely.
She is the most self absorbed, condescending, unsincere, stuck up, rude, annoying, flat headed, dull witted, rat faced, cross eyed BITCH, that I have ever known.
She is a group lead at my work. Now, our positions are different and she has authority whereas I am a representative.
But... I am just as much her equal if not twice the person she is.
She is always there when I show up at work or an hour before I leave.
And it doesn't matter who it is on my team that shows up, she decides that because we sit in HER row (yeah, hers... bossy skank) we have to put up with her slut stories from the night before. Or listen to her complain about her latest yeast infection or something else of a similar nature.
Not a day goes by when she's not telling us how "Donald" is setting her up with another one of his guy friends who is supposedly utterly infatuated with the hussy.
I don't know if "Donald" likes seeing all of his closest friends burn their underwear and vow celibacy for life after an encounter with the elusive "Barb" or if he's just not that smart.
God knows I love "Donald", but somedays I want to give his head a shake.
"Barb" is a complete and total HYPOCRITE.
She'll write someone up for wearing casual shoes on a business attired day (under their desk mind you... not around the office) and then she'll show up to work wearing a belly shirt, ripped black capris pants and black and pink pumps.
Ohhhhhhhhhhh and for the love of god..... her little closed door meetings that she has to have with Carrie because god forbid the lowly reps hear of such a conversation.
Carrie has acctually taken to saying,"whatever you need to tell me, you can tell me in front of my reps, we don't hide anything."
Some days I just f***ing love Carrie... when she shows she has a spine and sticks up for us.
"Barb" talks to me like I don't understand my job. She explains things to me in simple little words and then says "ok?" like I'm a fucking 4 year old.
What I wouldn't give to rip that nasty piece of horseshoe metal out of her disgusting nostrils and bang her head against a large metal object, for example a moving car.
To say that "Barb" rubs me the wrong way is an understatement.
I literally can not stand her.
Today she came in to work at 2am to teach us on the night staff about the new Blue Sky methods that have been adapted by the client.
She then told us that this was when her shift started so she would be with us for the rest of the night. First of all she of course, got off topic to talk about her latest conquest... I got her right back on track with an "OK. That's enough of that, what are these new methods?"
Carrie, who joined me in the training, kept gesturing at me to keep calm, putting her hand on my leg to prevent an outburst because every time she did a bitchy, arrogant thing... I snapped at her, in a professional no nonsense way.
(Did I mention we all on the night shift think shes a needy, attention-greedy bitch?- just an fyi)
Then she dragged on every point for 10 minutes a piece, with 25 points to discuss, there was no f***ing way I was letting her do that. It should have been 15 minutes of training and it took us an hour and a half. The last 20 minutes of the training was spent with "Barb" trying to force me to role play with her on an account I have been doing for 9 months, which I flatly refused.
I told her I would not be doing it because it was not required of me. She countered back that it WAS required. I told her that she could tape every one of my calls, because EVERY ONE of them is a conversion (meaning I make the deal for our company)
Carrie showed her my quality scores and "Barb" shut right up.
I think I might have gained a few rungs on her totem pole today, because I refused to let her out-BITCH me.
Score one for the freedom fighters.
When I'm a group lead, things will be different. I will have respect and GIVE respect to everyone and perhaps bump "Barb" down a notch or two.
Thanks for the vent, none of you were probably able to follow that but I actually feel a lot better!
At September 22, 2005 8:38 AM,
~ Awesome Gal ~ said…
*falls off her chair laughing* That was GREAT!!! You soooo must have had fun writing this entry, huh?
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