My man in uniform

I had my relaxation spa day and am feeling fabulously relaxed and fresh. I am actually happy. My skin is glowing from my facial and I feel beautiful.
I think that if this is what it takes for me to be that happy I am going to have to visit giseles more often for the stress relief package...
whats a $120 compared to my happiness... it's just cash.
I'm also psyched that tommorrow is the halloween party and we are ALL prepared.
Pete and some of our other friends Josh, Tara and Neil are dressing up as LAPD and I have never ever been so amazingly attracted to Pete as I have right now...
I just keep thinking about absolutely amazing sex and am currently waiting for him to get home so I can fulfill my fantasy.
That was probably too much information.
I'm not saying I'm not always attracted to Pete, because my man is hot... but I have come to the conclusion that I definitely have a thing for a man in uniform.
I am dressing up as Medusa.... oooooooooooooooooooh, yeah I have snakes for my hair and everything... but yeah, this party is gonna rock, and I'm getting laid by an officer of the Los Angelos Police Department this morning ladies and gentleman...
Too much information?
Fucked if I care.
Envy me.
He's mine.
Love, Jenn
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