New Beginnings?

I haven't had a lot to write about lately... well that's a lie. I have. I just haven't been able to think of the words to put it up here for you to read.
I'm now a 20 year old.... no more a teen.
It's weird but not really. Now no one can make fun of Pete for dating a teenager. LOL.
I can't believe we've been together 2 years. It feels like much less.
Time flies as you grow older.
Another thing I can't quite believe is that it's been months since Jacki or I have spoken to the two other girls we used to be so close with. Mel and Louise.
Stupid things were said. We all admit that.
But when I heard Mels voice on the other end of the line I was surprised and glad.
My birthday would have been pretty empty if not for my coworkers. Without them it would have been Pete, Jacki and me.
Josh was away in the States and Heidi couldn't make it.
So that's it. No more friends.
I've been feeling very lonely.
And the truth is, I don't feel like I am a good friend to begin with. I'm really not.
I'm a homebody, I don't like to go out. I prefer to spend my time with Pete because he is the only one who really gets me.
I'm pretty selfish too, I get jealous easily.
I don't trust anyone, as far as I can throw them.
I think that the relationship I need to fix now is the one I have with myself.
Wow, that sounded selfish.
Lmao... I don't think I ever learn.
What I mean is. I need to fix the way I am about certain things.
And hopefully through this new counsellor I am seeing, I will be able to fix some of my mannerisms and be able to suit myself better to my friends and to Pete...
And to do that I need to feel better about myself... meaning getting active, working out...losing weight.
But regardless, Melinda, Louise, Jacki and I are going to get together and we're going to talk. Hopefully we can be friends again, if the bond hasn't been completely broken.
My challenge now is getting Jacki to agree to a meeting. She still has some pretty strong angry feelings towards Melinda... we'll see.
Anyway, on a happier note... I got a digital camera for my birthday, so from now on you'll be treated to CURRENT PHOTOS!!!!!!!!!! YAY.
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