Another one for the lovers out there

Today is the start of my weekend! YAY!
While I don’t feel I really deserve one as I’ve only worked 3 days this work week, I welcome it with open arms.
Lots of rest and relaxation, and best of all I get to spend time with Pete.
He just went back on rotation at work again, after being on the night shift for almost 3 months and I am not adjusting very well to this change of schedule.
I really liked spending my spare time with him and the house seems empty when he is not around. I come home from work and he’s in bed, when he gets up to go to work, I’m in bed. Unless one or the other forgoes on sleep to stay up with the other we are strangers in the night… who cuddle up to each other in bed.
Seeing as neither one of us wants to sacrifice our sleep for the other, we wait to see each other for our days off, which isn’t a bad thing, but it isn’t a good thing either. We rack up the phone bills...
I love him very much, I know I say this pretty often but the thing is, he makes me so overcome with love for him some days, I can’t help but share it.
Pete is so sweet and incredibly considerate of me when we are together. He’s like my right arm, I have no idea what I would do without him…. Probably fall over from lack of balance. Ha Ha Ha.
But it’s really true. It’s hard to picture your life without someone who you have come to trust and love and count on as a part of your daily life.
It’s an incredibly horrendous experience to imagine that they could ever leave you.
But Pete and I, I believe that we are forever.
If I’m going to get married - it will be to him and if I have children - they will be ours.
It just makes sense.
I love his practical dreams for us.
It makes me smile to know that Pete has plans that include me… now and always.
I’m not sure I should divulge this but I’m pretty sure it’s only Jacki who reads this blog but recently Pete and I were lying in bed and he told me about his dream for us.
He dreamed of us married, coming home (yes, a house of our very own) from a day at work, making dinner and sitting down to talk about our days. He tells me that he has finally gotten the promotion he’s been waiting for at work and I curb my excitement and tell him softly that all our hard work in the bedroom has paid off because I am pregnant with our first child.
We are both ecstatic as we hug and I tell him he won’t be able to go out with the guys much anymore when we have the baby.
He also says we’ll have to cut out our trip to Cuba this year because we’ll need to save money and I won’t be able to fly.
We were lying there in the dark when he told me all of this (in much better detail then my recap of course) and although he didn’t see it, I was crying softly. I really didn’t think he spent time thinking about those things. I know it’s kind of hokey, but I really want all that. I am so glad that he feels exactly the same way about it.
These are the kind of sweet things he does that no one else is really privy to but me.
It’s funny when I think about all the cute inside things we have with each other.
Like our 2 squeezes anywhere on the others body to signal the other with an “I love you” which we do a zillion times a day, no body sees it - it’s comfortable and it warms my heart. It started off as a way for us to not grossing out our friends by saying “I love you” to each other all of the time and it has grown to something special that we share that is meant just for us... things like that.
What a great guy.
I think the rest I'll just keep to myself, but I'm glad I got that out...
Time to go join him for a cuddle.
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