Jenns Amazing Blurbages

A rather frightening display of post adolescent teen angst. Soon to be out of the teens for good I find myself psychologically disturbed, so I might as well talk about it. Enjoy! :D

Thursday, September 29, 2005

Just my oppinion on matters of the heart

Who said it was ok for someone to go from bad to worse? When a relationship ends and both people who leave that relationship get another significant other, it is supposed to be for the better right? One person isn't supposed to meet their soulmate and the other some immature, spread her legs for a quarter, town floozy.

I felt happy for Andrew when he told me he had a girlfriend. Part of me thought I would always be his number one. And I always will be in a way. Not that I thought he'd be celibate for life or anything... I guess I just thought that the reason he took so long finding someone to be with was because he was picking the right girl. You know, someone who could treat him better then I could.

Turns out, I was talking to his best friend James this evening that this girl isn't just a floozy, she's a complete bitch. I use his words when I say this... "She's an immature, 14 year old girl on her period for the first time kind of bitchy... always. "
She is constantly hitting him, in an angry fashion and she talks down to him, like he's her dog. Worst of all this girl turned 18 this year.
James tells me that he thinks things are purely physical with their relationship and that Andrew seems happy but it's a destructive relationship for him.
It makes me sad. It also makes me want to beat the shit out of the hussy. Not because I'm jealous of her, but because Andrew deserves better then that.

He really is a great guy, I just wasn't his girl.
I'm Petes girl.

So James sent me a picture of them together and she looks like someone who would have that whole Spanish "My man ain't cho babies daddee." kinda attitude going on. GROSS.

She has these huge Angelina Jolie lips and a very tiny frame. I have to admit, she's kinda pretty, but she's got no boobs... HA!

So, anyways. That is my rant... WHY ARE MEN SO DUMB!?

Andrew find your f***ing soulmate and stop wasting your time with someone like her.

Of course, andrew doesn't read this blog, and I don't know her first hand. But I think I would rather just dislike her from afar.


Thursday, September 22, 2005

Thinly Veiled Bitchery

*Names have been changed for... well.... obvious reasons.*

There are some people in this world who will always presume, I'm sorry ASSume that their place on the ladder of life is thousands of rungs above... you.

They sit on their high rung, and look down on you... laughing, mocking you to others they view as worthy companions who are at their same stature.

You sit, mystified by the way these people make you feel and wonder when you will get the chance to prove them wrong and to kick their fat asses off of that rung, and take their fucking place.


Lets call her "Barb" *shudder*- she is this awful, horrible, wench of a woman I work with. She drives me to the very edge of my sanity, to put it politely.
She is the most self absorbed, condescending, unsincere, stuck up, rude, annoying, flat headed, dull witted, rat faced, cross eyed BITCH, that I have ever known.
She is a group lead at my work. Now, our positions are different and she has authority whereas I am a representative.

But... I am just as much her equal if not twice the person she is.

She is always there when I show up at work or an hour before I leave.
And it doesn't matter who it is on my team that shows up, she decides that because we sit in HER row (yeah, hers... bossy skank) we have to put up with her slut stories from the night before. Or listen to her complain about her latest yeast infection or something else of a similar nature.

Not a day goes by when she's not telling us how "Donald" is setting her up with another one of his guy friends who is supposedly utterly infatuated with the hussy.
I don't know if "Donald" likes seeing all of his closest friends burn their underwear and vow celibacy for life after an encounter with the elusive "Barb" or if he's just not that smart.
God knows I love "Donald", but somedays I want to give his head a shake.

"Barb" is a complete and total HYPOCRITE.
She'll write someone up for wearing casual shoes on a business attired day (under their desk mind you... not around the office) and then she'll show up to work wearing a belly shirt, ripped black capris pants and black and pink pumps.

Ohhhhhhhhhhh and for the love of god..... her little closed door meetings that she has to have with Carrie because god forbid the lowly reps hear of such a conversation.
Carrie has acctually taken to saying,"whatever you need to tell me, you can tell me in front of my reps, we don't hide anything."
Some days I just f***ing love Carrie... when she shows she has a spine and sticks up for us.

"Barb" talks to me like I don't understand my job. She explains things to me in simple little words and then says "ok?" like I'm a fucking 4 year old.
What I wouldn't give to rip that nasty piece of horseshoe metal out of her disgusting nostrils and bang her head against a large metal object, for example a moving car.

To say that "Barb" rubs me the wrong way is an understatement.
I literally can not stand her.

Today she came in to work at 2am to teach us on the night staff about the new Blue Sky methods that have been adapted by the client.


She then told us that this was when her shift started so she would be with us for the rest of the night. First of all she of course, got off topic to talk about her latest conquest... I got her right back on track with an "OK. That's enough of that, what are these new methods?"
Carrie, who joined me in the training, kept gesturing at me to keep calm, putting her hand on my leg to prevent an outburst because every time she did a bitchy, arrogant thing... I snapped at her, in a professional no nonsense way.

(Did I mention we all on the night shift think shes a needy, attention-greedy bitch?- just an fyi)

Then she dragged on every point for 10 minutes a piece, with 25 points to discuss, there was no f***ing way I was letting her do that. It should have been 15 minutes of training and it took us an hour and a half. The last 20 minutes of the training was spent with "Barb" trying to force me to role play with her on an account I have been doing for 9 months, which I flatly refused.
I told her I would not be doing it because it was not required of me. She countered back that it WAS required. I told her that she could tape every one of my calls, because EVERY ONE of them is a conversion (meaning I make the deal for our company)
Carrie showed her my quality scores and "Barb" shut right up.

I think I might have gained a few rungs on her totem pole today, because I refused to let her out-BITCH me.

Score one for the freedom fighters.

When I'm a group lead, things will be different. I will have respect and GIVE respect to everyone and perhaps bump "Barb" down a notch or two.

Thanks for the vent, none of you were probably able to follow that but I actually feel a lot better!


Monday, September 19, 2005

Remember me? I'm your best friend.

This is a posting for Josh... Anyone remember him?
He seems to have forgotten about me.
I have been a little over dramatic with the way I've responded to his total lack of responsibility and needless to say, I miss him.
Not that I am going to call him and tell him that.
But I do.
I guess I'm just too stubborn.
I feel sad that it isn't a high priority for him to make things right between the two of us
But I think he knows deep down that things will work out and that no matter what he does I can't stay mad at him and end up forgiving him with big hugs.
I love him so much, he's like a brother to me.
I will not let him know about this post but hope that he contacts me as I am never wanting to be the one that makes the first move.
Generally because, like I said... I'm stubborn, Pete, Jacki and Josh of all people should know that about me.
But that doesn't mean I don't think and obsess over stupid things that I've done or idiotic ways that I've acted.
While I feel like my anger towards Josh was justified, there isn't really a reason to continue on being petty and spiteful.
So if you're reading Josh, I'm sorry for being petty and dragging this anger towards you on.
But I'm not sorry for being angry. It's time that we saw each other and fixed things.
I love you.

Thursday, September 15, 2005

A song for the 90's generation

Ever notice how old tv theme songs can instantly bring you back to your childhood?
At work last night, Carrie, Paola and I were singing old camp songs and old tv theme songs and Carrie remembered the Full House theme song. I remember that I used to rush home from school so I could watch that show. It was great! I grew up with Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen, pretty literally. I was so disappointed when they took it off television.
Anyways the song took me back to being 10 years old, sitting thisclose to the tv, watching the kid appropriate ideal family setting. I even liked Gibby... cuz I'm weird.
I wondered if all families were like them and if it was just mine that was weird.
Those were simple days. I wish I could have Full House back.
Anyways that's all I really wanted to say, just wanted to leave my little blurt out there to my masses of readers. LOL
I keep getting these spam comments on my blog, I f***ing hate that!
So if you see comments that were deleted by me, it's because they were from someone ADVERTISING ON MY BLOG!!! GRRRRRRRRRRR

Pay day tommorrow and I don't have to work! WOOT!!!!!

More soon guys!



Wednesday, September 14, 2005

A memorable day for a very memorable man

How sweet was Pete tonight?
First off I slept for 12 hours straight, no word of a lie.
Pete was so quiet the whole day because he knew how important it was
For me to get a good night of sleep, I haven’t been doing so well with that.
Lately, just not getting enough.
So I slept from 8am to 8pm and when I got up I was laughing because it has been such a long time since I’ve done that.
Then he made me dinner, yummy grilled cheese!
And this time the smoke detector wasn’t used as a timer, WOOT!
Just kidding babe, just kidding.
So, shortly after that my poor sleepy baby came and cuddled up next to me sitting on the couch
And laid his head against my shoulder (I love when he does that)
So I stroked his hair while watching Sex and the City and he started to doze…
So cute!
I decided it was time for him to go to bed (he has to work this morning, whereas I will just be going to bed)
So I said I would lie down with him for a little while.
I took him to the bed where we got under the covers and he just rolled over to me and we wrapped our legs around each other, just happy to be with one another.
I love that feeling.
He talked to me in his sleepy "I love you" voice
Telling me about his day and talking about the kitties.
I stroked his hair, kissed his forehead.
He burrowed himself right into my arms,
His head on my shoulder
And I just about fell asleep myself.
He started to babble, which is a sign I know very well.
He’s fallen asleep.
So I started to untangle myself from his grasp.
I said, "I wish I could stay."
He said, "Me too. I love you baby." In his sleepy Petey voice.
"I love you too baby."
I don’t think he realizes how hard it was for me to leave that room.
Stupid work
I love him in a way that is just so unexplainable in these moments.
I keep them close to my heart and I remember them always.
Just thought I’d share it with you.
More soon...

Love, Jenn

Friday, September 09, 2005

Gob - Give up the grudge!!

Oh yeah here's another awesome head banger! Peace! ( I didn't just say that... don't tell anyone k? Thanks man, you rock)

Gob - "Give Up The Grudge"

Don't make me listen to the stupid broken record again
The needle's skippin' and repeatin' never reaching the end
You know you're bitching and complaining like you've got it so tough
We're sick of all your crying will you ever shut up?

So keep bleeding your fake blood 'till no one ever sees it
If that's the best you can make up at least act like you mean it

Give up the grudge
Better shut your mouth
why you gotta judge everybody but yourself
Take a look around you
There ain't nobody home
I may be a loser
But at least I'm not alone

Your mercedes won't start
Yeah that's a crying shame
I guess 90K a year buys nothing but complaints
The people in my neighborhood think that I'm a threat
While the boss gets richer they get deeper in debt!
So keep bleeding your fake blood
'till no one even sees it
If that's the best you can make up at least act like you mean it

[Repeat Chorus 6X]

I am so f***ing brilliant

I'm brilliant!
TWO L'S! Yeah!
So I'm sitting at the bus stop to go home and I see this guy walk past who looks like this guy Owen, so I'm psyched cuz I haven't seen him since Jostens like 11 months ago. So yeah, I call him over, he gets close and I realize.... that's not Owen... I'm like OH MY FUCKING GOD.
So I can admit I was wrong and have no clue who he is or I can save face and just pretend like HE is the idiot... so which road did I take?
Oh yeah, the high road baby... I made him feel stupid... woo me.
He was pretending to remember me and I could tell he had no clue who I was so I said to him "You don't remember me do you?" and he's like "No, I'm sorry I feel stupid." So here is yet another oppertunity for me to say "I think I was mistaken" but no, no.
I say "Oh well we used to work together." And bless his heart he says "Oh yeah! I remember now! How are you??!!" I almost pissed myself I wanted to laugh so hard.
He was just trying to be nice.
So we made small talk at the bus stop and then he ended up getting on the same bus as me, great big 'fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck' so I continue talking and finally get off the bus saying "It was great seeing you man" (<----- so as not to break my cover.)
And I made my exit... I am so cool.

Yeah that's my story for the day.. WOOT


I'm listening to Anthem by Good Charlotte and I am so pumped I think I need to post the lyrics so everyone can download it... I mean buy the cd, yeah... and be as PUMPED as me!!!!

Good Charlotte - Anthem

Yeah! we go.

It's a new day, but it all feels old
It's a good life, that's what I'm told
But everything, it all just feels the same
At my high school, it felt more to me like a jail cell, a penitentiary
My time spent there it only made me see

That I don't ever wanna be like you
I don't wanna do the things you do
I'm never gonna hear the words you say
and I don't ever wanna.
I don't ever wanna
don't wanna be just like you
What I'm saying is this is the anthem
throw all your hands up
you don't wanna be you

Go to college, a university, get a real job
That's what they said to me
But I could never live the way they want
I'm gonna get by and just do my time
Out of step while they all get in line
I'm just a minor threat, so pay no mind

Do you really want to be like them,
Do you really wanna be another trend,
Do you wanna be part of that crowd
cause I don't ever wanna.
I don't ever want to be you.
don't wanna be just like you
what I'm saying is this is the anthem
throw all your hands
don't wanna be you.

(Shake it once, that's fine, shake it twice that's okay.
shake it 3 times your playing with yourself again.)

don't wanna be just like you,
what I'm saying is..this is the anthem
throw all your hands up
y'll got the feeling, sing if you're with me
you.don't wanna be just like you (just like you)
This is the anthem, throw all your hands up
y'll got the feeling, sing if your with me
Another loser anthem (whoa) 4x

Thursday, September 08, 2005

The cards say...

So I had my cards read by Paola last night... interesting, very interesting.
I asked about my relationship with Pete.

The readings were several - 7 cards worth, so I can't remember in exact detail, but everything she said, it just clicked.
She said that I will or have asked him for something that is very important to my heart and that I will be recieving it in a matter of weeks, or just over a month (HELLO ANNIVERSARY PRESENT)
She also told me that she sees a time of great joy in my life following the presentation of this gift.
Then there was the scales card which identifys the unification of two people. Put it all together and I'm going.... ummm EXCUSE ME?

Pete reads this so I am not going to say but... I think everyone has already figured it out.
I believe in the cards because some of the things idendified in the cards about me, my life, my attitudes are pretty bang on true...

So anyways, I have been thinking a lot lately about my life and I feel so happy that I have friends and family and most importantly people I can trust, a lover I can trust.

Pete is my everything, he really is.
I mean those of you that know us well know that we do pretty much everything together.
Not because we have to or we feel obligated to, it's because we love each other... that and not a lot of people get our sense of humour.
He irritates me to no end some days but I show him the angry side of me because I trust him to understand me and know that even though I may be yelling at him in one moment, I love him, so so dearly through it, after it and always.

I hope you're reading this and smiling, and know that there is no one I would rather spend the rest of my life doing pretty much everything together with... if that makes sense.

I love you baby.

More soon guys,


Tuesday, September 06, 2005

my cure for cancer

Wow! So sorry I have taken so long to update!
It's been a busy couple of weeks and I have been physically exhausted to the point that I just don't feel like writing... So about the trip to the cabin with Jacki and Josh? GOOD TIMES! We really had a blast, I really can't go into detail about everything because that would take to long and bore people but if you want to read it, check out Jackis blog, I'm putting a link to it after this post.
I finally got Pete out to the cabin for a couple of days and I am so thrilled that he came. Even if there was a couple of times where I was a cranky bear, I was so glad that he was there.
We got out there Saturday morning, lazed around, had lunch, went to the docks and for a walk.
We went into town for supplies, back to the cabin for cards and dinner. I taught Pete to play canasta so he can't make fun of me for liking it, because he does now too!
Bwahahaha Oh yeah I learned how to do that shuffle thing where you shuffle them forward and then hold them and they shuffle back into your hand on their own! Tres cool. I was so proud of myself... as Pete called it "My cure for cancer" <--- I just realized this is only funny to Pete and I because no one knows the story. Ok, so I figured out how to do this shuffle thing and I was ecstatic! I said to Pete "Aren't you proud of me???" with this goofy ass look on my face. He said "Honey, people are proud when you win the nobel peace prize or discover a cure for cancer, End world hunger... You're talking about cards?" I said "Hey, this could be my cure for cancer, you don't know." And then we both burst out laughing. So next time I see you, ask me about my cure for cancer. LMFAO
On Sunday we went Mini golfing and I won YET AGAIN... whooped him (by 2 points cough*)
And then Pete helped my dad re-shingle the garage roof. Talk about sexy... and of course yeah, sweet and helpful to my dad and all that garbage. But wow, all that sweaty man labour... yeah, definitely a turn on, flexing his muscles like he's hot shit... he so is.
He doesn't think he's good looking and I always go... HELLOOOOOOOOOOOOOO?!
He's retarded, I would like him if he was just as flabby as me, and lets face it, I got quite a bit o' flab. He's my man hunk. I love him so much.
Of course I couldn't jump his bones at the cottage, holy crap I wanted to though... then last night we're home and he starts kissing my neck and getting me all reved up and my stomach felt like it was being squeezed from the inside... I COULDN'T HAVE SEX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I wanted to cry. But there is always today... hehehe and tommorrow and the next day.
Oh yeah anyways moving on... got a little distracted there.
On Monday - Dads friend Simon from swimming came out with his wife Mila and Simon and the boys went fishing. That left us wives at the cottage and it became our job to entertain Mila (who clearly did not want to be there) She was very nice and polite. We took her mini golfing in town, where she had a good time for the most part but she was disappointed that the town had nothing big for her to do, no more entertainment... apparently she doesn't like nature (or boats lmao) so when we went back to the cabin she asked to watch a movie... Oh well. I escaped to the dock for a bit and when the boys came back we had dinner and then dad took Pete and I for a boat ride again, I was happy, having gone for a boat ride one last time before the end of the season. No more trips out to the lake again this year.
Too bad.
Anyways, today marks the end of my 4 day work holiday, back to the grind tonight at 11 pm.
What a wonderful vacation. I found my cure for cancer! Wait till I show the girls at work!

Ta Ta for now
